links (# a b c -d e f g -h i j k -l m n o -p q r s- t u v w- x y z

Sunday, October 23, 2011

H is for Hot guys

H is for Hot Guys. Yes, I had to use this as a H. No matter who you are or what you read you're really more than likely to find that a hot guy is in the story. The one guy to crush on during the story. If we're lucky sometimes the author puts two hot guys in it. More for us right? At this point in time I'm crushing on Dimitri (Vampire Academy), Four (Divergent), Aric (Starcrossed), Jace (The Mortal Instruments), Peeta (The Hunger Games). :)

These are all my H books. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

G is for Genre

G is for Genre the many types of books there are out in the world.
Definition: Genre is the term for any category of literature or other forms of art or culture, e.g. music, and in general, any type of discourse, whether written or spoken, audial or visual, based on some set of stylistic criteria. Genres are formed by conventions that change over time as new genres are invented and the use of old ones are discontinued. Often, works fit into multiple genres by way of borrowing and recombining these conventions.
What are some of the type of Genres in Books: Historical Fiction, Romance, Paranormal, Urban Fantasy, Sci-fi, Steampunk, Dystopian, Contemporary, Chick-lit, Horror, Mystery/thriller, and so forth

These are all my G books. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

They call her...

 Ashley (Ash, A.J, hey you, whatever fits your vocabulary)
<--This is me. Yeah, that's right. Me, Myself, and My books. :0)

I've done one of these about me pages for every blog I've made. (Which if you don't know has been like 3 or 4 in the past month, and not to mention the other 2 I already had. I'm a blog whore?)

Read,Write, Design this way (My official Design Site)
Bookaholics Anonymous (My Book Blog)
AngelicNytmare (Personal Blog)
Once upon a writer (My Writing Blog)

Ready, Get Set, I've Read That (Books I've read)
Mount TBR (Books I need to read)

My Official Blurb yo!
Ashley aka AngelicNytmare is a 25 year old Pharmacy Tech from Texas who enjoys reading, writing, designing, and other stuff. She buys way to many books a week. She'd rather live in one of her book worlds then the real one, but seeing as how that's impossible she'll have to settle. Writing has become something she likes to do whenever the mood hits, and in the future (very far future) hopes to be able to finish a MS and get published. She's knows how likely that is though. She's not holding her breath. Designing sites was a major part of her high school life. She was pretty much a nerd, and enjoyed being home on the computer rather then out. She's had numerous site which she's created using free web hosting sites such as angelfire and yahoo, many of which are still operational. Although, they haven't been worked on in years. She recently just found her love again for design which you can see at RWDesign. If you haven't noticed she likes to talk in third person sometimes. Deal! That is all for now. Visit her other sites to learn more about her, books, writing, or just the general-ness of life.

How did I come about reading?
I started off reading mainly mystery/thrillers. Then I got hooked on the Harry Potter train, and then the Twilight bus. Now I'm just riding the YA plane. So that's where I'm at for the moment. If you want a more in depth look at how/why I became hooked on reading visit my other sites. :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

F is for Fangirl

F is for Fangirl because let's face it we all are a fangirl of some hot fictional boy.
Definition I found the most helpful. (and funny)

1. a girl who is a fan of a anime/video game/book character. Or a fan or a real actor/singer.

2. There are three types of Fangirl:


These are the type of fangirl i can actully stand. Has a slight obcession with the object of her desire. Reads fanfics about her chosen desire. Has about ten posters of her desire. Knows he is a fabrication (applies to anime/video games). Is literate.


A slight step up from the Normal Fangirl phase. Is aged between 12-17 yearr old. Has a Livejournal and is in no less than ten communites deticacted to the object of her desire. Writes shitty fanficton (all fanficton is shit). Sqees ALOT.
Uses those gay anime emoctions such as ^_^). Cosplays. Is seen at stores like Barnes and Noble (In America) and in Oxford Street (where i live, in the UK). Draws shitty fanart. Avoid.


This is the ultimate form of Fangirl. If you diss the object of her desire, you are doomed to a lifetime of grammar murderings. Has a Livejournal/devinart/Myspace/xanga account. Is seen at Gaia Online and Neopets FC (about 70% of the FC are on this stage already) Has about 1000000000 posters dedicated to her object. Has the entire mercenside line devoted to her desire. Creates and joins Fanlistings. writes and reads shitty yaoi fanfiction. It created FranzxAlbert. Your worst nightmare.
Normal Fangirl: I like Itachi, hes hot.
Rabid Fangirl: NOOOOO!!! ITACHI IS MINE BITCH!!!!!
Uber Fangirl: OMG!!!!!!!! ITACHI IZ MEH FURTOOR HUSBAND!!!!! LYKE WE IZ GUNNA MARRY AND HAVE 10000000000 BEBIES!!^_________________^::::: HE IZ MINE BICHTESEE!!!!!

(lol I thought this was totally cute)

These are all my F books. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

E is for Elsewhere

E is for Elsewhere because sometimes I would rather be elsewhere. Perhaps, all caught up in an awesome book.

  1. in or to another place; "he went elsewhere"; "look elsewhere for the answer"
  2. In any other place; as, these trees are not to be found elsewhere.
These are all my C books. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

D is for Dsytopian

D is for Dystopian. This is kind of like a sub-genre. These books take our world and come up with the worse case scenarios.

  1. as bad as can be; characterized by human misery;

These are all my D books. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

C is for Cult

C is for Cult.
I know what your all thinking Cult really? Here are few definitions I found that somewhat fit into being bookish.
  1. an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season" (This could totally work for the fact that it always seems like there's a trend in the book community. First vampires when twilight came out. Now it seems like Dystopians are all the rage.)
  2. adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices (Hey you never we read religiously. :) )
  3. Attentive care; homage; worship. (We most certainly worship our books. Okay, well I do and I worship/stalk the authors on their blogs/sites/twitters. I mean anyone that can come up with worlds like Divergent, The Mortal Instruments, Vampire Academy. They are definitely worship-worthy.)

    These are all my C books. :) Enjoy!
    Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
    if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

B is for Bookish

B is for bookish
We are all bookish people.

Definition: Bookish
  1. characterized by diligent study and fondness for reading; "a bookish farmer who always had a book in his pocket"; "a quiet studious child"
  2. Given to reading; fond of study; better acquainted with books than with men; learned from books. 
These are all my B books. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

Z is for Zealous

Z is for Zealous because I'm a Zealous Reader. :)
  1. marked by active interest and enthusiasm; "an avid sports fan"; "a great walker"; "an eager beaver"
  2. Filled with, or characterized by, zeal; warmly engaged, or ardent, in behalf of an object.
My books that start with the letter Z.
Books will be linked to their goodreads pages.

Numbers count on it

These are all my book that begin with a number. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.

3:59 by Gretchen Mcneil
8th Grade Bites (Chronicles of Vladmir Tod 1) by Heather Brewer*
9th Grade Slays (Chronicles of Vladmir Tod 2) by Heather Brewer*
10th Grade Bleeds (Chronicles of Vladmir Tod 3) by Heather Brewer
11th Grade Burns (Chronicles of Vladmir Tod 4) by Heather Brewer
12th Grade Kills (Chronicles of Vladmir Tod 5) by Heather Brewer
13 days to midnight by Patrick Carman
13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher*
21 Proms by Various Authors

A is for awesome

A is for Awesome because that's what reading is. :)

  1. inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"

  1. The quality of being awesome.
These are all my A books. :) Enjoy!
Each book will be linked to it's goodreads page.
if it has an * by it that means I've read it. If it has ** I've reviewed it on my book site. :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

History of My Ya Library

History of My Ya Library

I'm in website design mode for some reason.
I have all sorts of sites now dealing with books so I figure hey why not just make a site that shows all my books I have on my shelf currently. :) Unlike my other two sites (Ready..Get Set...I've read that and Mount TBR) These will be arranged alphabetically and not into genres. (As some people categorize differently) Any books that start with "The" I will put into the category the next word falls under. Example: The Hunger Games would be under "H". Still be sure to look in either place just in case I forget, or mess up. (I'm capable of making mistakes too)